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Oldfield Brow Primary School

Oldfield Brow Primary School

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Our School Houses

Every child, and every staff member, is placed into a house when they join us.  This forms a “school within a school”, allowing every child to take part in competitions, have leadership opportunities and, crucially, it gives them a network of friends from all age groups.

In line with our motto, our houses are named after exceptional people with links to Greater Manchester – helping our children to realise what is possible with hard work and effort.

Our houses are:

  • Turing House – is named after Alan Turing whose exceptional talents include improving Britain’s code-breaking techniques during World War Two.
  • Da-Cocodia House – is named after Louise Da-Cocodia who was exceptional due to her overcoming incredible racism when she arrived in Britain in 1955 as part of the Windrush generation.  She became the first black senior nursing officer in Manchester before becoming a dedicated anti-racism campaigner.
  • Johnson House – is named after Len Johnson who was a local lad from Clayton in Manchester who used his exceptional talents to become a prominent anti-racism activist after being denied his rightful place in history as one of Britain's greatest boxers.
  • Gaskell House – is named after Elizabeth Gaskell, the exceptional Victorian author who not only challenged the norms of the day by being a female author but also wrote about and highlighted the vast inequalities within Victorian society.

Staff Leader:

Mr Brown

Staff Leader:

Mrs Chetwyn

Staff Leader:

Mrs Bowes

Staff Leader:

Miss Cooney

House Captains:

Charlie and Varinda

House Captains:

Eloise and Isiah

House Captains:

Isla and Zeta

House Captains:

Skye and Betty


Oldfield Brow Primary School Oldfield Brow Primary School